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Frank Wolf Offline

Beiträge: 5

22.03.2020 23:17
Wild Ones - free canoe film from Frank Wolf Antworten

'Wild Ones' documents an unconventional 750 km-long music tour undertaken by musician Peirson Ross and his roadie/tour manager Frank Wolf. Ditching the usual touring van, Peirson decides to promote his latest album- entitled 'Wild ones'- by travelling fully self-propelled using that most quintessential of Canadian vehicles: the canoe.

Departing from a cottage on Georgian Bay, Peirson paddles venue to venue playing to audiences in an eclectic mix of cabins, rafting companies, bars and lodges on his way to a finale concert in Canada's capital of Ottawa for Canada Day on July 1st.

Battling through mosquitoes, portages, rapids, upstream dragging and hangovers, the pair meander through the wilderness in order to make their shows on time and fulfill their musical destiny.
WILD ONES canoe film

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